Capability, compatibility, and copability – what matters most?
Capability may have gotten you the role, copability will decide your success. And copability is a function of compatibility.
Excellence, Experience, and Endurance and Winning the Long Game
In an uncertain and complex operating environment, organizations are challenged to meet short term expectations while trying to be purpose-driven and stakeholder focused.
Meaningful work, relationships, recognition, and the people experience
Virtually everyone I speak with expresses concern and frustration over losing key people they are trying to retain or hire, and the increasing costs of both.
Friction, constraints, vulnerability, and horizontal thinking
We are in a unique moment in history, and we have a unique opportunity do something extraordinary.
Consensus, Collaboration, and Coordination
We often confuse collaboration with consensus, and collaboration gets a bad rap for it.
What if 2020 was a gift?
Life will be different going forward, but different can be better.
Let’s stop “shoulding” on each other
When we tell people what they should do when they’re in an emotional state, it usually reaps an unintended reward and rarely creates meaningful action.
Leadership in the age of algorithm
Large corporations are in a race to digitize their business models through automation and the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
3 Ps of Leadership: Purpose, Passion and Persistence
Years ago, we learned that price, place and promotion are the 3 Ps core to market success. But what if all this time we’ve been focusing on the wrong Ps?